The IHRA Athens Plenary takes place in digital form, from 31 May to 10 June 2021.
Around 200 delegates, experts and observers from the 34 member states of the IHRA attend the Athens Plenary to discuss politically relevant issues related to the Holocaust and the genocide of the Sinti and Roma.
Committed to the principles that inspired the assumption of the annual IHRA Presidency by Greece in April as well as to its priorities, the Greek Presidency is hosting in the Athens Plenary the IHRA’s experts and political representatives who will focus their efforts on countering Holocaust distortion and safeguarding the historical record. Our common aim is to strengthen the moral commitment of societies and to combat growing Holocaust denial and antisemitism.
Athens Plenary in Action

Athen’s Plenary decision to support Chair’s statement on recent antisemitic violence and hate speech
In the context of the Athen’s Plenary proceedings, the following statement was agreed upon unanimously:
In light of the grave acts of antisemitic violence that ...

Cyprus’ application for IHRA observer status approved
The Greek Presidency welcomed the Republic of Cyprus as a new Observer Country at the IHRA, since the IHRA Athen’s Plenary meeting approved the application ...

Minister of Foreign Affairs Nikos Dendias welcomes delegates to IHRA Athens Plenary 2021
“It is my privilege to welcome today to Athens, the participants to the first Plenary of the Holocaust International Remembrance Alliance under the 2021- 2022 ...

Secretary General for Greeks Abroad and Public Diplomacy John Chrysoulakis welcomes delegates to IHRA Athens Plenary 2021
“Distinguished delegates of the IHRA member countries, I warmly welcome you to the online Athens Plenary Meeting in the capital of Greece, a city with ...

IHRA Chair Ambassador Chris Lazaris welcomes delegates to IHRA Athens Plenary 2021
“Excellencies, Heads of National Delegations, IHRA Colleagues, Dear Participants,
Welcome to Athens!
I do hope the video you have just viewed has enticed you to ...